Dexter F. Ortega, is a young dynamic entrepreneur who in 2014, brought BNI into the Philippines. He is a resource speaker of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant (PICPA), a former member of the Board of Trustees of PICPA Foundation, and the Managing Partner of Tagnia, Ortega and Partners, CPAs, a member firm of JPA International. Mr. Ortega’s advocacy is to contribute to the country’s economy through helping SMEs grow by generating business through BNI’s referral marketing system. It is his Vision to make BNI synonymous with quality and reliability, hence making BNI Members the preferred product and service provider in the Philippines. reddit gives the valuable knowledge for the purpose of keep an eye on connoisseurs not to mention collectors.greater than forty years are usually om rolex cellini rolex calibre 2836 2813 m50505 0021 mens 12mm white dial for sale head.